- http://everything2.com/title/Domo-Kun
- http://cardhouse.com/travel/japan/domokun.htm
- http://www.domomode.com/
You have seen this famous animation perhaps for a few times.

Its name is Domo kun, a small brown rectangular-shaped monster which has a mouth with sharp teeth that always opens. It hatched from an egg and lives with a old rabbit underground named Mr. Usaji.
Domo kun
The name "DOMO" was given when a TV announcer said, "dōmo, konnichiwa" (どうも、こんにちは), which means "Well, hello there!"or "Hello, Domo!". Whereas the KUN in "Domo-kun" is a Japanese honorable term which is often used with young males. Its image was being misused in the image below:
"Every time you masturbate...God kills a kitten."
Loves TV
*Often cause trouble by daydreaming and not paying attention to things
*Lets out explosive farts when upset
Favourite food Japanese-style meat, potato stew
Least favourite food Apple ( a big mystery in its DNA)
Favorite talent MAX (a popular four-woman Japanese pop band) and the guitar wolf (a frenetic Japanese garage rock band)
Mr. Usaji
Loves TV and astringent tea
Favorite food Carrot
Disliked food Something that is meaningless
Favorite talent Hijiri Kojima (A young Japanese model/actress)
Games related to Domokun
Domo-Kun Angry Smashfest
Domo Dance

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