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How it began?
In 2004, Darren Chen from Malaysia started to consider transforming his love of character doodling into business. He started the company with his friends in 2006.
The name - Dooodolls
“Well, they’re handmade – something you ‘do’ – so we decided on ‘dooo’dolls,” said Darren Chen.
The company - Dooodolls Design
(From left to right) Chew Kai Xin, Darren Chen, Ong Han Vi
(Clockwise from left) Darren Chen, Eric Looi, Dylan Pang
Darren Chen
Designation Creative director
Age 39
Favourite Dooodoll Blur Blur
Education The One Academy
Chew Kai Xin
Designation Marketing manager
Horoscope Pisces
Hobby Matchmaking
Pet A pair of lovebirds
Ability Make 2 people fall in love with his heartbeat
Beary Fishy
Horoscope Aquarius
Hobbies Swimming, fishing
Pet Fish-shaped pillow
Ability Speak fish languages, great swimmer
Horoscope Capricorn
Hobby Practising martial art
Pet Piku (dragon)
Ability Move as fast as lightning
Pinkies Pirate
Horoscope Aries
Hobby Travelling
Pet Whale with 10 eyes
Ability Has exceptional sense of direction, has a magical wooden sword that can teleport himself
Blur Blur 
Horoscope Libra
Hobby Thumb-sucking
Pet Blankie
Ability Has sensor for approaching threats
Horoscope Scorpio
Hobby Admire his achievement
Ability Do anything to win
Missy Micey
Horoscope Cancer
Hobby Gardening, yoga
Pets All animals
Ability Make plants flourish by touching it
Horoscope Gemini
Hobby Talking
Ability Teleport himself
Mr Nerdie
Horoscope Leo
Hobbies Read comic books, play Dungeons & Dragons, make origami
Ability Brilliant scientist, solve complicated equations
Horoscope Virgo
Hobby Daydreaming
Ability Hypnotise with his eyes
Orange Butch
Horoscope Taurus
Hobby Eat chilli padi
Ability Stonify enemies by barking / farting
Ability Mend anything with his saliva
Meow Meow
Ability Entertaining audience
Ability Grant your wish if you've a pure heart
Reddish Twin
Ability Fastest talker
Sunny Twin
Ability Mind reader
Ability Anything that he paints comes alive
Hobby Matchmaking
Pet Cupido
Mr Ladybird
Ability Make others hallucinate
Third Eye
Ability Crack security code
Ability Has infectious laugh
Master Ear
Ability Use his ears as weapon
Ability Cast spell
Ling Ling

Other products
Age 33
Ong Han Vi
Designation Operations manager
Age 35
Favourite Dooodoll Numero
Eric Looi
Age 35
Dylan Pang
The characters
Horoscope Sagittarius
Hobby Juggling baby fireball
Pet Baby fireball rescued from flaming tree
Ability Setting things ablaze by snapping his fingers when he's furious

Horoscope Pisces
Hobby Matchmaking
Pet A pair of lovebirds
Ability Make 2 people fall in love with his heartbeat

Horoscope Aquarius
Hobbies Swimming, fishing
Pet Fish-shaped pillow
Ability Speak fish languages, great swimmer

Horoscope Capricorn
Hobby Practising martial art
Pet Piku (dragon)
Ability Move as fast as lightning

Horoscope Aries
Hobby Travelling
Pet Whale with 10 eyes
Ability Has exceptional sense of direction, has a magical wooden sword that can teleport himself

Horoscope Libra
Hobby Thumb-sucking
Pet Blankie
Ability Has sensor for approaching threats

Horoscope Scorpio
Hobby Admire his achievement
Ability Do anything to win

Horoscope Cancer
Hobby Gardening, yoga
Pets All animals
Ability Make plants flourish by touching it

Horoscope Gemini
Hobby Talking
Ability Teleport himself

Horoscope Leo
Hobbies Read comic books, play Dungeons & Dragons, make origami
Ability Brilliant scientist, solve complicated equations

Horoscope Virgo
Hobby Daydreaming
Ability Hypnotise with his eyes

Horoscope Taurus
Hobby Eat chilli padi
Ability Stonify enemies by barking / farting

Ability Mend anything with his saliva
Meow Meow
Ability Entertaining audience

Ability Grant your wish if you've a pure heart

Ability Fastest talker

Ability Mind reader

Ability Anything that he paints comes alive
Hobby Matchmaking
Pet Cupido

Ability Make others hallucinate

Ability Crack security code

Ability Has infectious laugh

Ability Use his ears as weapon

Ability Cast spell

Other products
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