1. Catgut comes from
- Sheep

2. You can lose one pound in weight by playing 12 hours of
- Table tennis
3. The number of people you share your birthday with is
- 9 million
4. Gallus Gallus Domesticus is a Latin name for
- A chicken
5. The longest recorded flight of a chicken is
- 13 seconds
6. Chickens lay larger eggs with harder shells if they think
- It is daytime
7. Dirty snow absorbs more heat than white snow and so
- Melts faster
8. Above a penguin's eyes an organ converts seawater into
- Fresh water
9. Compared to the rest of the day your feet are bigger
- In the afternoon
10. The only vegetable that is also a flower is
- Brocolli

11. At 4500 kg the heaviest land animal is the
- Elephant
12. From 2006 Pluto was reclassified as
- A dwarf planet
13. Earth contains 326 million trillion
- Gallons of water
14. The only foodstuff that does not spoil is
- Honey
15. 1 kg of honey is the result of bees visiting
- 4 million flowers
16. In the 1980s the Emperors Palace in Tokyo was worth more
- Than Canada
17. Insect bites can be relieved by using small amounts of
- Dog feces
18. At 170 km/h the fastest bird in a straight line is the
- Spine tailed swift
19. At 155,557,000 sq km the largest ocean in the world is
- the Pacific Ocean
20. You have 300 bones at birth but 206 bones when you are
- An adult
21. Most dust particles in the average house are made from
- Dead skin
22. There is a zero fat content in
- A carrot
23. 200,000 frowns creates
- One brow wrinkle
24. Aerodynamics of the F-117 is a result of research into
- The bumblebee

25. In Las Vegas gambling casinos there are no
- Clocks
26. The first man-made object sent into space in 1957 was
- Sputnik
27. The fork used to be known as the
- Split spoon
28. At 40 cm the animal with the largest eyes is
- The giant squid
29. Alexander Graham Bell never phoned his mother because she
- Was deaf
30. Alexander Graham Bell patented the telephone 1 hour after
- Elisha Gray
31. The toque is a tall
- Chef hat

32. The rabbit and parrot are the only two animals that can see
- behind themselves
33. The continent with the most countries is
- Africa
34. All of your bodily functions stop when you
- Sneeze
35. The moon moves a further 3.82 cm from the Earth
- Every year
36. An onion, an apple and potato taste different because of
- Their smell
37. A Boeing 707 uses 4 thousand gallons of fuel to
- Take off
38. Lightning expands air faster than the speed of sound to
- Create thunder
39. At 0.44 sq km the smallest country in the world is
- Vatican City
40. The quack of a duck
- Does not echo
41. A duck can't walk without
- Bobbing its head
42. At 300,000 the movie featuring the most extras is
- Gandhi
43. The highest percent of births occur in
- August
44. 65 million years ago Mesonycids were the common ancestor of
- Dolphins and humans
45. Regular water has a boiling point three times lower than
- Human saliva
46. The amount of a pigment called melanin determines human
- Skin colour
47. The most popular fruit in the world is the
- Tomato
48. Lycopersicon lycopersicum is another name for a
- Tomato
49. All polar bears
- Are left-handed
50. The average person falls asleep in
- 7 minutes
51. A cockroach can live for 9 days without a head before it
- Starves to death
52. The largest organ in the human body is
- The skin
53. The body completely digests food after an average of
- 12 hours
54. The plastic casings on the end of shoelaces are called
- Aglets
55. At 442 km deep the deepest mine in the world is in
- South Africa
56. The only muscle in your body attached at only one end is
- Your tongue
57. Months that begin on a Sunday will always have
- A Friday the 13th
58. Blood vessels in a human body combined could circle Earth
- 2 and a half times
59. At a speed of 10 cm a year Hawaii is moving towards
- Japan
60. A gruntle is a
- Pig snout
61. Besides humans the only animal able to get sunburn is the
- Pig
62. A snail can sleep for up to
- 3 years
63. You can stop yourself crying while peeling onions by
- Chewing gum
64. The name Wendy was first used in the book
- Peter Pan

65. Butterflies taste food with their
- Feet
66. In 1823 Charles Macintosh invented the mackintosh a
- Waterproof coat
67. The Earth is not completely round but is instead called
- An oblate spheroid
68. Respectively moths and butterflies rest their wings
- Open and together
69. At six months a human fetus develops its
- Sweat glands
70. Chameleons change colours to match their
- Emotional state
71. Fingernails grow nearly four times faster than
- Toenails
72. At 17,075,400 sq km the largest country in the world is
- Russia
73. The world's best selling instrument is the
- Harmonica
74. Bite the wax tadpole was the original Chinese name for
- Coca Cola
75. If colouring was not added to Coca Cola it would be
- Green
76. A creature with 47 teeth is
- The mosquito
77. Caffeine is less efficient at keeping you awake than
- Apples
78. Clothing and body hair and dead skin cells mix to form
- Navel lint
79. The average lifespan of 19th century London residents was
- 27 years
80. A ball of rubber cannot bounce as high as a ball of
- Glass
81. You weigh slightly less when the moon is
- Directly overhead
82. The number of peaceful years in the last 3500 years is
- 230 years
83. In 1999 average CEO earnings outstripped factory workers by
- 419 times
84. Without being a king or prince the highest royal rank is
- A duke
85. The average number of questions a 4-year-old asks is
- 437
86. In 2000 Pope John Paul II was named an honorary
- Harlem globetrotter
87. At 3.2 billions years the oldest known fossil was found
- In South Africa
88. A Hungarian immigrant named Qwert Yuiop invented the
- Typewriter
89. In 1939 there was an undersea post office in
- The Bahamas

90. The average number of hairs a person has on their head is
- 100,000
91. The name describing the unit of time 100th of a second is
- A jiffy
92. The time light takes to reach Earth from the sun is
- 8.5 minutes
93. In Mahatma Gandhi's small intestine an autopsy revealed
- 5 Krugerrands

94. Oranges contain less vitamin C per 100 grams than
- Strawberries
95. The length of the Great Comet's tail in 1843 was
- 330 million km
96. Earth's continents move at the same speed as
- A fingernail grows
97. Ancient Egyptians treated wounds with
- Mouldy bread
98. The flea can jump its own length by
- 350 times
99. The dot over the letter i or j is called a
- Tittle
100. A pregnant goldfish is called
- A twit
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