- http://www.sambakza.net/
- http://www.sambakza.net/amalloc/amalloc_frameset.htm
- http://amalloc.tistory.com/ (amalloc's blog but it's closed)
- http://sambakza.tistory.com/ (sambakza official blog)
- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/There_she_is!!
- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SamBakZa
- http://sambakza.newgrounds.com/
- http://www.facebook.com/pages/SamBakZa-There-She-Is/39714400918
- http://www.sambakza.net/faq/faq_eng_top.htm
- http://photobucket.com/images/nabi+doki/
- http://amalloc.deviantart.com/
hosted on SamBakZa 삼박자 comprises of amalloc 아말록 , Sogong 소공 and Song.Songhwa 송송화
What is Sambakza?
SamBakZa means 'three counts' in Korean.
'Sam' means three. 'Bak-za (bak-ja)' means rhythm, measure, timing....
It is the name of group who love cartoons, animations, and comics.
# amalloc Makes animations, cartoons and is the webmaster of this site.
# Song song-hwa Make cartoons, comics / comics mania (collector), and is crazy for music.
# sogong Make cartoons, comics / crazy for music, and their idea bank.
Country South Korea
Gender Female
Location Myeongnyun-dong, South Korea
Blog http://songsongha.tistory.com/
Species Rabbit (the Korean for rabbit is pronounced as "To-kki")
Characteristic Likes to take care of abandoned animals
Occupation Nurse 간호조무사 (I'm not sure of this as I use Google Translate and it translates this phrase to "nursing orderly")
Species Cat
Characteristics Timid, indecisive
Occupation Newspaper vendor
Doki 도키 토끼
Gender Female Species Rabbit (the Korean for rabbit is pronounced as "To-kki")
Characteristic Likes to take care of abandoned animals
Occupation Nurse 간호조무사 (I'm not sure of this as I use Google Translate and it translates this phrase to "nursing orderly")
Nabi 나비냥이
Gender Male Species Cat
Characteristics Timid, indecisive
Occupation Newspaper vendor
The pictures below are taken from http://amalloc.tistory.com/16
Most of the location used in the animations are in Daehak-ro, Seoul, Korea because they live there.
^A street appeared in Step3
Nabi's house - - > Notice that the doorknob has a lion shape, not a pig shape as in the animations.

^A three-legged tower (they call the tower "Sambakza Tower")

^Hyehwa subway station

^ The famous vending machine ^
1. There She Is!!
Released on 20/4/2003
Song name "There she is" (떳다! 그녀!!) by Witches (위치스)
2. Cake Dance 떳다 그녀!! step 2. - 케잌 댄스
Song name "Happy Birthday to Me" by Bulldog Mansion.
3. There she is!! Step 3 -- Doki and Nabi
It premiered at SICAF (Seoul International Cartoon & Animation Festival) on May 21-25, 2008, and was posted online on May 30.
Song name "3차성징" (Sam-cha Seong-jing, direct translation is "tertiary sex characteristic") by T.A.COPY
4. There she is!! Step 4 -- Paradise
Released on 20/8/2008
Song name "Wolsik" by Tabu from the album, "A Lunar Eclipse"
5. There she is!! Final Step -- Imagine
First debuted on 9/12/2008
Song name "Imagine" by Brunch
(the introduction part features a rearrangement of a traditional English song called "Greensleeves to a Ground".)
Download the videos at the link provided (just click the title of each animation to watch and to download).
The theme of this series is little bit like BoBo & ToTo -- to fight for love.
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