- http://postpet.jp/ (official website)
- http://blog.so-net.net.tw/postpet/
- http://www.postpet-momo.com/
- http://kaylinbaby.blogspot.com/search/label/PostPet%E7%B3%BB%E5%88%97%E6%94%B6%E8%97%8F
- http://tw.myblog.yahoo.com/lovesatochris/
- http://postpet-mobile.blog.so-net.ne.jp/index/3 (black MOMO)
- http://postpet.jp/ppmobile/info/090511/ (black MOMO)
- http://www.hudong.com/wiki/MOMO%E7%86%8A (profile of Momo in Chinese)
- http://www.postpet.com.tw/twwmail/beginner/download/ (has lots of stuffs to download)
- http://www.postpet.com.tw/twwmail/index.html (to have a PostPet character as your pet)
- http://prb999.pixnet.net/blog/post/8771783
Game for Nintendo DS PostPet DS
.4' Characters .4'
MOMO {モモ}( 桃桃熊 / Momo 熊)
# momo in japanese means peach
# feels happy to grow up
# write child-like mails
# There are MOMO兄,MOMO妹, MOMO弟 and many more.
Huh? Who are they? Visit http://blog.so-net.net.tw/postpet/2009/09/17/fans-4/ and http://blog.so-net.net.tw/postpet/2009/09/22/fan/ to see their details.
Here's something about MOMO妹 {モモ妹}
Gender Female
Date of birth 3rd of November
Location Tokyo

# Although it looks a little bit like MOMO, it's not MOMO's child
# usually stays in woods
# talk precociously
# always sticks its tongue out# likes taking care of others
# likes to make others laugh
# often feels lonely# writes cute mails
# fickleUSHE
# lives in Australia (Penguins live in cold places)SHINGO R
# writes serious mailsSUMIKO
# writes cynical mailsTAKAECHIYO
# easy to get upset# run aways often
# deliver a few mailsMore info on the characters in PostPet at http://www.postpet.com.tw/twwmail/beginner/family/index.html
.4' Downloads .4'
.4' Embeddable stuffs .4'
.4' Embeddable stuffs .4'
"txt=Let me, Momo, introduce the world of PostPet to you!" >> Change the sentence highlighted in red.
[Buletin board]
"MyTxt=Postpet#Momo" >> Change the words highlighted in red.
[Twitter panel]
[Mouse cursor]
The things below can be get from http://www.postpet.com.tw/twwmail/beginner/download/dl_4.html
There are 4 categories in that website:
[Wallpapers] [Emoticons] [MSN Avatar] [Screen savers] [Blog gadgets] [Game]
"txt=postpet" >> Just change the word highlighted in red to what you wanna display.
"MyTxt=PostPet" >> Change the word highlighted in red to what you wanna display.
Black MOMO
The video below is an episode of the 3-minute PostPet Momobin ポストペットモモ便 series. (Ep 19). There are 24 episodes for this series.
Watch these episodes in Japanese with English subtitles.
[Ep 9] (no English subtitles)
[Ep 16]
[Ep 17]
[Ep 21]
[Ep 23]
Part 1
[Part 2]
[Part 3]
[Part 4]
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